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Wedding photographer and professional art studio
Dodane: 2017-01-12 :: Kategoria: Serwis / Fotografia

Orange Lemur Photography Studio specializing in wedding photography. We are passionate about art and classic photography. Have many years of experience in making photos for reportage and newspapers. Our goal is to give you most beautyfull photos from your wedding or anniversary. We offer professional reportage making during the wedding party and also have our studio in Edinburgh. Wedding photographer have to be invisible during wedding.

Wedding photos

We make photos without posing people for group photos or keeping you away from your guests. We are working to capture best moments of your wedding and to give you fine memories. Most of the wedding picture we take during ceremony and party. But we also offer portraits made in our studio in Edinburgh. Wedding photographer accompanied the whole event and provide hundreds photos. Many years of experience in reportage photography gives us opportunity to give you the best service. We had been present in many wedding ceremony all over the UK and give our couples most beautyfull memories.

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